Newcastle Urban Series 15 2021


Slutställning efter 3 deltävlingar.


Plac Name Club
1 Alex Massey Newcastle Orienteering Club 100 100 (100) 200
2 Justin Stafford Newcastle Orienteering Club 99 98 (96) 197
3 Jennifer Enderby Newcastle Orienteering Club 98 (96) 97 195
4 Erika Enderby Newcastle Orienteering Club 97 95 (94) 192
5 Stuart Kurtz Newcastle Orienteering Club 96 94 190
6 Damian Welbourne Newcastle Orienteering Club 95 92 187
7 Steven Roberts Newcastle Orienteering Club 92 93 185
8 Andrew Killen Newcastle Orienteering Club 91 (88) 93 184
9 Carolyn Matthews Newcastle Orienteering Club 93 (85) 88 181
10 Malcolm Roberts Newcastle Orienteering Club 94 84 (1) 178
11 Matthew Brown Newcastle Orienteering Club 86 (74) 91 177
12 Geoff Todkill Newcastle Orienteering Club (79) 86 90 176
12 Russell Blatchford Newcastle Orienteering Club 87 89 176
14 Shane Trotter Newcastle Orienteering Club 88 87 (1) 175
15 Peter Charlton Newcastle Orienteering Club 91 81 172
16 Rachel Stevenson Newcastle Orienteering Club 82 86 168
16 Graeme Hill Casuals NSW (75) 83 85 168
18 Mikayla Enderby Newcastle Orienteering Club 85 (79) 82 167
19 Ginaya Dunn Newcastle Orienteering Club (66) 78 87 165
19 Nicole Haigh Newcastle Orienteering Club 76 89 165
21 Melissa Daly Casuals NSW 80 (80) 84 164
21 Graeme Taplin Newcastle Orienteering Club 84 (1) 80 164
23 Glenn Downey Newcastle Orienteering Club 79 (77) 83 162
23 Gayle Quantock Newcastle Orienteering Club 89 73 162
25 Andrew Power Newcastle Orienteering Club 83 (71) 76 159
26 Greigor Scott Newcastle Orienteering Club 81 72 153
27 Daniel Orr Newcastle Orienteering Club 60 92 152
28 Colin Bailey Newcastle Orienteering Club 71 79 150
29 Oscar Power Newcastle Orienteering Club 67 81 148
30 Brock Smith Newcastle Orienteering Club 68 (52) 77 145
31 Adrian Plaskitt Newcastle Orienteering Club 69 (69) 75 144
31 Justin Goodwin Newcastle Orienteering Club 71 (57) 73 144
33 Tim Tew Newcastle Orienteering Club 65 (1) 78 143
33 Shane Jenkins Newcastle Orienteering Club 77 (63) 66 143
35 Rudi Landsiedel Newcastle Orienteering Club 73 (65) 67 140
36 Ian Dempsey Newcastle Orienteering Club 74 64 138
37 Arthur Kingsland Newcastle Orienteering Club 67 (53) 70 137
38 Neil Curryer Newcastle Orienteering Club 70 66 136
38 Bronwyn Stafford Newcastle Orienteering Club 62 74 136
40 Harry Carter Newcastle Orienteering Club 61 (48) 72 133
41 Bruce Graham Newcastle Orienteering Club 60 (49) 71 131
42 Jim Lee Newcastle Orienteering Club 63 (58) 65 128
43 Sharon Burgess Newcastle Orienteering Club (1) 54 69 123
44 Paul Killen Newcastle Orienteering Club 54 (50) 68 122
45 Graham Fowler Newcastle Orienteering Club 58 63 121
45 Bridget Whitehead Newcastle Orienteering Club 59 (56) 62 121
47 Peter Orr Newcastle Orienteering Club 64 55 119
48 Callie McDonald Newcastle Orienteering Club 52 (44) 61 113
49 Elizabeth Bunn Newcastle Orienteering Club 50 (42) 58 108
49 Thomas Bunn Newcastle Orienteering Club 49 (43) 59 108
51 Samantha Mella Newcastle Orienteering Club 56 47 103
52 Damien Enderby Newcastle Orienteering Club 1 99 100
53 Stephen Craig Newcastle Orienteering Club 99 99
54 Clint Lawrence Newcastle Orienteering Club 97 1 98
54 Brenton Race Casuals NSW 98 98
56 Tim Doman Newcastle Orienteering Club 1 95 96
57 Ian Dodd Dandenong Ranges Orienteering Club 91 91
58 Dean Cruickshanks Casuals NSW 90 90
59 Tony Welbourne Newcastle Orienteering Club 82 82
60 Nikki Brown Casuals NSW 76 76
61 Duncan and Anna Rayward Newcastle Orienteering Club 75 75
62 Grant Watson Newcastle Orienteering Club 72 72
63 Toby Brown Casuals NSW 68 68
64 Christopher Jenkins Newcastle Orienteering Club 64 64
65 Tony Danks Casuals NSW 63 63
66 Will Jenkins Newcastle Orienteering Club 61 61
67 Narelle Arblaster and Cynthia Isley Newcastle Orienteering Club 60 60
68 Archie Jenkins Newcastle Orienteering Club 59 59
69 Jack Hart Newcastle Orienteering Club 1 57 58
69 Renae Martin Casuals NSW 57 1 58
71 Tommy Mella Newcastle Orienteering Club 55 55
72 Alexander Kurtz Newcastle Orienteering Club 53 53
73 Myvanwy McIlveen Newcastle Orienteering Club 51 51
73 Kelly and Samantha Kurtz Newcastle Orienteering Club 51 51
75 Stacey Bryce Garingal Orienteers 46 46
76 Dominic McIlveen Newcastle Orienteering Club 45 45
77 Susan Kay Casuals NSW 1 1
77 Katherine Dynon Newcastle Orienteering Club 1 1
77 Glenn Burgess Newcastle Orienteering Club 1 1
77 Harlan and Daniel Evans Newcastle Orienteering Club 1 1
77 Stuart Turner Newcastle Orienteering Club 1 1


Plac Name Club
1 Samantha Howe Newcastle Orienteering Club 100 (98) 100 200
2 Margaret Peel Newcastle Orienteering Club (95) 97 99 196
3 Karen Morante Newcastle Orienteering Club 96 98 194
3 Joy Guy Newcastle Orienteering Club 98 (94) 96 194
5 Lisa Lampe Newcastle Orienteering Club (94) 95 97 192
6 Geoff Peel Newcastle Orienteering Club 99 92 191
7 Viola O'Connor Newcastle Orienteering Club 96 (89) 90 186
8 Jessica Lawrence Newcastle Orienteering Club 90 95 185
9 Ingrid Oblasser Newcastle Orienteering Club 93 (86) 91 184
10 Carolyn Rigby Newcastle Orienteering Club 89 (87) 93 182
10 Maria Orr Newcastle Orienteering Club 91 91 182
12 Naomi and Presley Scouller-Evans Newcastle Orienteering Club 88 92 180
13 Freya and Mel Ingram Casuals WA 87 (82) 89 176
14 Rebecca Craig Newcastle Orienteering Club 100 100
15 Niikki Brown Casuals NSW 99 99
16 Dean Cruickshanks Casuals NSW 97 97
17 Renae Martin Casuals NSW 94 94
18 Debbie Dodd Dandenong Ranges Orienteering Club 93 93
19 Carolyn Chalmers Newcastle Orienteering Club 92 92
20 James Harry and Jenny McCosker Casuals NSW 90 90
21 Narelle Arblaster and Cynthia Isley Newcastle Orienteering Club 88 88
22 Marg and Rob Cook Newcastle Orienteering Club 85 85
23 Ron Brown Casuals WA 84 84
24 Skylar and Kerrie Franzsen Casuals NSW 83 83


Date Name Organiser Discipline
03/03/2021 UFO 1 - Boomerang Park RAYMOND TERRACE Newcastle Orienteering Club Sprint
10/03/2021 UFO 2 - Connolly Park CARRINGTON Newcastle Orienteering Club Long
17/03/2021 UFO 3 - CAVES BEACH Newcastle Orienteering Club Sprint