Orienteering Australia

2019 NOL


Final standings after 14 events.


Pl Name Club
1 Bridget Anderson SA Arrows 27 30 24 (24) 27 (19) 27 27 27 (15) 30 219
2 Natasha Key VIC Victoria 24 30 30 30 24 (21) 24 (21) 27 27 (24) 216
3 Belinda Lawford CBR Cockatoos 24 20 27 27 24 27 (20) 24 (16) 27 200
4 Krystal Neumann QLD Cyclones 30 22 (21) (21) 30 22 22 22 24 22 (21) 194
5 Grace Crane CBR Cockatoos 20 21 21 22 (20) 22 30 30 (17) (19) 24 (18) 190
6 Aislinn Prendergast VIC Victoria 22 19 22 (17) 22 20 (18) 20 (13) (14) 20 22 167
7 Olivia Sprod SA Arrows 17 27 20 20 20 21 16 (13) (15) 20 161
8 Anna Fitzgerald NSW Stingers 12 14 18 19 16 18 17 17 (1) (6) (9) 131
9 Lizzie Ingham Wellington, NZL 30 30 30 33 123
10 Rebecca George NSW Stingers 11 17 15 15 12 13 13 17 113
11 Jennifer Enderby NSW Stingers 21 18 19 16 16 21 111
12 Briohny Seaman NSW Stingers 19 19 18 19 10 12 13 110
13 Zoe Dowling TAS Foresters 16 16 18 14 16 6 9 95
14 Imogene Scott Auckland, NZL 20 22 19 16 77
15 Jenny Casanova SA Arrows 13 15 17 13 5 3 6 4 76
16 Asha Steer VIC Victoria 8 17 18 19 62
16 Vanessa Round SA Arrows 18 21 23 62
18 Anna Sheldon QLD Cyclones 18 24 19 61
19 Lanita Steer VIC Victoria 11 20 16 11 58
20 Bronte Gannon QLD Cyclones 13 14 13 12 52
21 Lara Molloy Wellington, NZL 12 14 25 51
22 Tessa Ramsden 10 7 17 15 49
23 Winnie Oakhill Orienteering Queensland 12 8 13 14 47
24 Clare Brownridge VIC Victoria 15 5 10 10 40
25 Veronika Vavrova Kulgun 225 Orienteers 18 15 33
26 Rachel West WA Nomads 15 17 32
27 Nicki Rehn Foothills Wanderers Orienteering Club, CAN 17 14 31
28 Nicola Blatchford NSW Stingers 14 15 29
29 Kathie Dent CBR Cockatoos 18 9 27
29 Evalin Brautigam SA Arrows 11 8 8 27
31 Yiching Huang Moxina OK, TPE 9 0 11 3 23
32 Melissa Annetts Garingal Orienteers 8 12 2 22
33 Tara Melhuish CBR Cockatoos 21 21
34 Mace Neve CBR Cockatoos 14 6 20
35 Ellie Molloy Wellington, NZL 4 2 5 7 18
36 Laurina Neumann QLD Cyclones 16 16
37 Tracy Marsh NSW Stingers 15 15
38 Penelope Salmon Auckland, NZL 14 14
39 Liis Johanson VIC Victoria 12 12
40 Thorlene Egerton Bayside Kangaroos Orienteers 4 7 11
40 Toni Bachvarova NSW Stingers 10 0 1 11
42 Nicole Mealing NSW Stingers 9 9
42 Sophie Thomas 0 0 4 5 9
44 Olivia Baxter Lagan Valley Orienteers, GBR 7 7
45 Ella Johnson TAS Foresters 3 3
46 Nicola Marshall Australopers 2 2
47 Amylee Robertson NSW Stingers 1 1


Pl Name Club
1 Simon Uppill SA Arrows (22) (22) 30 27 27 27 30 24 30 24 219
2 Matt Doyle CBR Cockatoos 30 (21) 22 24 (22) 30 24 27 (21) 27 (19) 23 207
3 Brodie Nankervis TAS Foresters 21 24 24 22 (18) 30 30 22 30 (21) 203
4 Matthew Crane CBR Cockatoos 24 27 24 22 21 24 25 167
5 Patrick Jaffe VIC Victoria 27 20 19 24 24 22 20 156
6 Jarrah Day CBR Cockatoos 19 17 19 (15) 20 19 20 21 (5) (11) 18 153
7 Henry McNulty WA Nomads 30 27 30 30 21 138
8 Toby Wilson NSW Stingers 14 (14) 17 18 19 17 18 16 (12) 16 135
9 Andrew Barnett CBR Cockatoos 27 20 21 21 21 22 132
10 Robert Bennett NSW Stingers 15 15 13 13 18 19 17 12 122
11 Martin Dent CBR Cockatoos 20 21 22 16 19 18 116
12 Cameron Duncan WA Nomads 10 13 12 9 14 14 9 13 (0) (0) (3) (0) 94
13 William Gardner Octavian Droobers, GBR 27 18 21 27 93
14 Gene Beveridge North West, NZL 20 20 27 22 89
15 David Brownridge VIC Victoria 9 11 10 15 16 8 8 5 (5) 82
16 Graeme Rennie Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club, CAN 16 13 17 17 17 80
17 Karl Bicevskis TAS Foresters 18 19 18 12 67
18 Teemu Karjalainen VIC Victoria 16 16 18 16 66
19 Wayne Eliot WA Nomads 8 5 6 10 12 5 12 (3) 5 (0) (0) 63
20 Michal Hubacek WA Nomads 20 19 20 59
21 Peter Hodkinson VIC Victoria 20 33 53
22 Aston Key VIC Victoria 22 30 52
23 Hadrien Devillepoix WA Nomads 8 9 5 12 6 11 51
24 Peter Hobbs VIC Victoria 11 10 14 4 0 8 3 50
24 Simeon Burrill QLD Cyclones 15 11 16 8 50
26 James Sheldon QLD Cyclones 16 14 19 49
26 Kin Kwan Kwok 11 7 16 15 49
28 Jonty Oram Auckland, NZL 14 10 13 9 46
28 Christopher Naunton VIC Victoria 12 8 13 13 46
30 Anton Hallor MS Parma, FIN 15 17 13 45
30 Hamish Prosser CBR Cockatoos 17 11 7 9 1 45
32 Matthew Schepisi VIC Victoria 17 15 10 42
33 Tomas Krajca CBR Cockatoos 17 24 41
34 Kurt Neumann QLD Cyclones 10 9 10 11 40
34 Jack Neumann QLD Cyclones 12 13 15 0 40
36 Callum Herries 18 10 11 39
37 Anatoly Kulikov QLD Cyclones 14 0 17 31
38 Mark Gregson CBR Cockatoos 15 15 30
38 Bruce Arthur VIC Victoria 12 18 30
40 Cameron de L'Isle North West, NZL 13 15 28
41 Kwok Sang Lau Metropolitan Orienteering Club, Hong Kong, HKG 6 2 9 9 26
42 Simon Rouse VIC Victoria 13 12 25
43 Ricky Thackray WA Nomads 8 16 24
44 Chun Kit Chan 11 11 22
44 Riley de Jong QLD Cyclones 1 14 7 22
46 Matt Ogden North West, NZL 1 20 21
47 Kerrin Rattray SA Arrows 19 19
47 Ian Meyer Southern Highlands Orienteers 7 12 19
49 Samuel Lo HKIOF, HKG 8 10 18
49 Daniel Antonio Pereira HKIOF, HKG 7 8 3 0 18
51 Stuart Engleback Wellington, NZL 0 4 7 4 15
51 James McQuillan NSW Stingers 9 0 6 0 0 15
53 Todd Neve VIC Victoria 14 14
53 Craig Dufty WA Nomads 14 14
53 Dave Meyer NSW Stingers 14 14
56 Chi Kin Man HKIOF, HKG 9 2 2 0 13
57 Ben Rattray SA Arrows 11 11
58 Fredrik Johansson VIC Victoria 10 10
59 Richard Goonan VIC Victoria 6 2 8
60 Greg Barbour NSW Stingers 7 7
61 Stephen Melhuish CBR Cockatoos 2 4 6
61 Aidan Dawson NSW Stingers 6 6
61 Lorenzo Calabro Toohey Forest Orienteers 6 6
64 Blair Trewin VIC Victoria 4 4
64 Mark Bourne Abominable O-Men 4 4
66 Andrew Smith NSW Stingers 0 3 3
67 Gareth Candy Abominable O-Men 1 1


Pl Name Club
1 Tara Melhuish CBR Cockatoos 27 30 30 30 30 30 30 (24) (19) 27 234
2 Zoe Melhuish CBR Cockatoos (20) 30 (19) 21 27 (21) 22 (20) 27 27 27 33 214
3 Ella Cuthbert CBR Cockatoos (16) 22 22 (17) 22 (17) 27 27 30 24 18 (15) 192
4 Mikayla Cooper TAS Foresters 30 19 27 24 24 22 21 (18) 24 (16) 191
5 Caitlin Young CBR Cockatoos (19) 27 (17) 22 (19) 20 24 24 (13) 21 21 30 189
6 Joanna George SA Arrows 22 21 15 27 (10) 24 17 (15) 17 18 161
7 Venla-Linnea Karjalainen VIC Victoria 15 15 18 20 18 18 20 22 146
8 Emily Sorensen SA Arrows 18 18 21 11 20 19 (4) (11) 13 12 132
9 Arabella Phillips TAS Foresters 14 24 16 19 16 15 12 14 (12) (11) 130
10 Iida Lehtonen Garingal Orienteers 24 24 16 17 27 108
11 Ellen Currie NSW Stingers 12 13 13 (7) (6) 17 18 (7) 13 8 13 107
12 Abigail George SA Arrows 17 14 12 13 13 5 12 (5) 8 94
13 Tessa Burns Hawkes Bay, NZL 14 30 22 19 85
14 Eleanor McLean TAS Foresters 14 7 13 15 10 9 (5) 6 10 84
15 Briana Steven Peninsula and Plains, NZL 19 20 20 22 81
16 Katie Cory-Wright Peninsula and Plains, NZL 22 30 23 75
16 Rachel Allen TAS Foresters 21 20 20 14 75
18 Julia Gannon QLD Cyclones 16 12 18 14 14 74
19 Marina Comeskey Wellington, NZL 15 17 14 24 70
20 Tshinta Hopper NSW Stingers 21 17 11 9 7 4 69
21 Jessica Sewell North West, NZL 22 16 10 20 68
22 Kaia Joergensen Peninsula and Plains, NZL 20 19 21 60
22 Ivy Prosser CBR Cockatoos 19 19 4 9 9 60
24 Claire Burgess NSW Stingers 13 16 21 3 6 59
25 Lucy Jarrett WA Nomads 17 11 15 12 55
26 Mikaela Gray QLD Cyclones 21 16 16 53
27 Melissa Maillot CO2, other 11 6 11 9 8 7 52
28 Serena Doyle NSW Stingers 10 9 9 8 15 51
29 Caroline Pigerre QLD Cyclones 18 25 43
29 Nina Gannon QLD Cyclones 10 8 6 12 7 43
29 Lily McFarlane WA Nomads 12 9 10 12 43
32 Jess Rogers QLD Cyclones 10 10 11 6 37
33 Tegan Knightbridge North West, NZL 15 17 32
34 Ellie de Jong QLD Cyclones 16 14 30
35 Sarah Lim SA Arrows 9 5 8 22
36 Meredith Norman SA Arrows 6 8 7 21
37 Miho Yamazaki CBR Cockatoos 18 18
38 Sarah Davies VIC Victoria 5 5
39 Jialu Meng 2 2


Pl Name Club
1 Patrick Miller CBR Cockatoos 30 (20) 30 27 30 30 (17) 30 30 30 237
2 Alastair George NSW Stingers (18) (21) 27 27 22 30 27 27 27 33 220
3 Angus Haines SA Arrows 27 27 22 22 30 22 (22) 24 25 199
4 Dante Afnan SA Arrows 21 24 21 30 24 27 24 (18) 20 191
5 Alvin Craig NSW Stingers 19 22 24 (18) (19) 24 27 27 21 24 188
6 Ryan Stocks CBR Cockatoos 22 (17) 19 19 (18) 22 20 22 30 21 175
7 Duncan Currie NSW Stingers (16) 30 17 27 18 18 (17) 19 (11) 20 21 170
8 Noah Poland CBR Cockatoos 24 14 20 21 22 20 9 (8) 17 147
9 Thomas Garbellini QLD Cyclones 20 18 17 20 15 16 (10) (14) 16 16 138
10 Tristan Miller CBR Cockatoos 11 11 16 20 21 19 (11) 16 22 136
11 Jensen Key VIC Victoria 14 19 10 (10) 21 12 15 18 19 128
12 Daniel Gray QLD Cyclones 15 16 14 16 16 14 16 19 126
13 Ryan Gray QLD Cyclones 8 8 15 13 13 20 17 24 118
14 Joshua Allen TAS Foresters 13 9 11 14 14 19 (6) 13 18 111
15 Ethan Penck SA Arrows 9 13 13 15 9 17 (7) (9) 17 13 106
16 Ewan Shingler NSW Stingers 17 24 21 20 20 102
17 Will Tidswell Hawkes Bay, NZL 18 17 22 23 80
18 Oliver Egan Peninsula and Plains, NZL 16 20 19 24 79
19 Ronan Lee Hawkes Bay, NZL 15 15 21 14 65
20 Andries Swart WA Nomads 10 12 12 13 8 7 62
20 Mason Arthur VIC Victoria 16 9 11 15 11 62
22 Jaiden Fidge QLD Cyclones 12 12 9 10 16 59
23 Liam Stolberger North West, NZL 12 12 18 15 57
23 Jed Fleming TAS Foresters 12 18 17 10 57
25 Scott Smith Peninsula and Plains, NZL 15 27 42
26 Tom Poortenaar TAS Foresters 10 16 12 38
26 Luan Swart WA Nomads 6 8 7 8 9 38
28 Bayley Fisher TAS Foresters 5 6 14 11 36
29 William Davey VIC Victoria 10 14 24
29 Max Dalheim VIC Victoria 5 8 11 24
31 David Stocks CBR Cockatoos 21 21
32 Angus Leung NSW Stingers 5 12 17
33 Samuel Garbellini Enoggeroos 15 15
33 Jordan Neill South-West Orienteering Trekkers 7 8 15
35 Michael Loughnan VIC Victoria 4 10 14
36 Andrew Kerr CBR Cockatoos 13 13
36 Oscar Woolford NSW Stingers 13 13
38 Glenn James VIC Victoria 7 7
38 Riley Martin South-West Orienteering Trekkers 7 7
40 Thomas Gordon NSW Stingers 6 6


Date Name Organiser Discipline
30/03/2019 State Managers event for NOL1 Relay teams Garingal Orienteers middle
31/03/2019 2019 National Orienteering League (NOL 2) & NSW State League 2 - Long Garingal Orienteers long
19/04/2019 Good Friday Elite Sprint Relay TEAM MANAGERS ONLY Orienteering Association of WA sprint
20/04/2019 Australian 3 Day Championship, sprint Orienteering Association of WA sprint
21/04/2019 Australian 3 Day Championship, long Orienteering Association of WA long
22/04/2019 Australian 3 Day Championship, middle Orienteering Association of WA middle
26/04/2019 Australian Sprint Championships Orienteering Association of WA sprint
27/04/2019 Australian Middle Distance Championships Orienteering Association of WA middle
18/05/2019 National Orienteering League (NOL) & NSW Middle Championships (SL3) Western and Hills Orienteers middle
19/05/2019 National Orienteering League Ultralong (NOL) & NSW Long Championships (SL4) Western and Hills Orienteers ultralong
28/09/2019 Oceania 2019 - Event 1 Oceania Sprint Distance Champs + Australian University Orienteering Champs Orienteering Australia, Orienteering ACT, Orienteering NSW sprint
29/09/2019 Oceania 2019 - Event 2 Australian Long Distance Championships Orienteering Australia, Orienteering ACT, Orienteering NSW long
05/10/2019 Oceania 2019 - Event 7 Oceania Long Distance Championships Orienteering Australia, Orienteering ACT, Orienteering NSW, Orienteering Victoria long
06/10/2019 Oceania 2019 - Event 8 Oceania Middle Distance Championships Orienteering Australia, Orienteering ACT, Orienteering NSW, Orienteering Victoria middle


Australian 3 Days Championships